Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Log 4 On SAPIR and KARCEVSKIJ 2004-2008





Warp Theory    October 24, 2004

Warp theory is a theoretical conclusion of Quantum theory for language.

Warp is to twist wood out of shape.

In the theory, wood is the real world and twist is to generate language in the language world.

Warp is a force to return toward a normal situation.

The warp is related to the concept of SAPIR’s drift. But in the theory, the relationship between warp and drift is not clearly mentioned.

The bedrock of drift is clarified by the essay of <Changeability> January 2005.


Time Theory    December 25, 2004

<Time Theory> is a side view of <Warp Theory> from the standpoint of time.

In the theory, time is two directions. One is toward the generation of language, warp. The other is toward the real world, return.

Time flows toward the two direction. This concept is influenced by the Japanese Buddhism, especially Buddhism space in Shotokutaishi’s Shomangyo-gisho and Bodhisattva’s activity in the book of Shinran’s Kyogyoshinsho. 

The warp and the time in <Quantum Theory for Language> are explained minutely in the group of essays.


3 Direction    November 26, 2004

Essay, <Direction> explains the stability of quantum. This stability is the basis of connection rule in <Quantum Theory for Language>.

This essay presents a theoretical premise of unchangeability and changeability of the concept of KARCEVSKIJ.

But more details are developed in the essays of <Changeability> and <Individuality>.


Uniformity   December 10, 2004

Essay, <Uniformity> declares the object of <Quantum Theory for Language>.

The theory adopts uniformity of language for obtaining the reappearance of same effect against same cause.

From this point of view, written language has the more stable situation than spoken language on language. 

The theory’s main target is at first classical written Chinese for stable and concise situation of language.

The one of the research on language will proceed to the uniformity of language for the reappearance of the same data, namely same expression under the same ion.

Now the new criterion of language is being requested. Uniformity will certainly attain more important role in the near future.      


Changeability    January 8, 2005

Essay, <Changeability> gave a solution to the conundrum concept drift presented by SAPIR.

In the essay, I made a distinction about SAPIR’s drift to two phases. One is small drift. The other is big drift.

Small drift is a moving of quanta from the former to the next.

Big drift is a moving of a coordinate system in the language world.

Quanta’s moving toward the center of a coordinate system indicate a solution of the another conundrum changeability and unchangeability of language presented by KARCEVSKIJ. Details are developed in the essay, <Individuality>.


Individuality    January 10, 2005

Essay, <Individuality> gave a guarantee to the individuality of all the sentences which were appeared in the past or will be appeared in the future.

The individuality is expressed by the locus of quanta which are continually moving to the center of a coordinate system on language world.

The interrelation of three essentials, namely, quanta’s movement, a coordinate system of the language world and the real world letting a system floated is probably important for the KARCEVSKIJ’s upper mentioned theme. Especially, the adoption of a coordinate system is the pivot of the development on <Quantum Theory for Language> hereafter.     


January 16, 2005

Sekinan Research Field of Language

 [Postscript October 27, 2007]
Quantum Theory for Language Map

[Postscript December 14, 2008]

Quantum Theory for Language / Simplified Review / Tokyo November 9, 2004
<Papers group>

Mirror Theory group
Quantum Warp Theory group

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