For Wittgenstein Revised
1 Quantization1 is a cliff for consideration of language.
2 Mathematical interpretation of quantized language is now a first step to the theoretical ascent.
3 If there is not mathematics, next conjectures are impossible.
(i) Difference between word and sentence---Commutative and noncommutative ring
(ii) Continuation from word to sentence---Tomita’s fundamental theorem
(iii) Word’s finiteness and sentence’s infinity---Property infinite and purely infinite
(iv) Cyclic structure of word’s meaning---Infinite cyclic group
4 Meaning minimum2, mirror language3 and mirror symmetry4 are inevitable approach to the study of language especially for language universals5.
5 Symplectic Language Theory, Floer Homology Language and Arithmetic Geometry Language are adopted as the model theory for natural language in the recent.
6 Hereinafter the model theory will be entered to the new concept. The Models of Language Universals 6 will be shown by the description of mathematics.
Theory Dictionary Writing
Theory Dictionary Person
Aim for Frame-Quantum Theory
1. Quantized Language
Quantization of Language /Floer Homology Language
2. Meaning minimum
Structure of Meaning / Symplectic Language Theory
3. Mirror language
Mirror Symmetry on Rational Curve / Symplectic Language Theory
4. Mirror symmetry
Homology Mirror Symmetry Conjecture by KONTSEVICH / Symplectic Language Theory
5. Language universals
Generating Function / Symplectic Language Theory
Tokyo December 10, 2005
Now traveling to a northern more place from the encounter
Tokyo November 27, 2008 Revised
Tokyo March 24, 2009 Revised
Tokyo June 27, 2009 Revised
Tokyo February 28, 2011 Revised
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