Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Log 3 Love and Thanks to the Pioneers 2004-2005





<Quantum Theory for Language>†1 now entered the second stage at <Prague Theory>†2.

The last aspect of the theory of this period is represented by <Reversion Theory> which propose the cause of propelling the quantum.

<Reversion principle of quantum> gives human being the guarantees of language.

<Prague Theory> is dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ , PRAGUE and CHINO.

October 2, 2004


<Prague Theory Summary and Prospect> is summed up <Quantum Theory for Language> until then.

Theories, principles, rules and terms are enumerated in the paper.

The end of the paper, I clearly expressed that <Quantum Theory for Language> is the succession of the Linguistic Circle of Prague.

October 9, 2004


<Prague theory 2>†3 clearly proposes <language machine>, which is one aim of <Quantum Theory for Language Summary> and <Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis> 2003.

October 17, 2004


<Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum> describes <Model Simplified Level>†4.

In this paper, the concept of warp is proposed for the first time.

October 22, 2004


<Warp Theory>†5 is delivered from the point of the proceeding of quantum.

The proceeding is the main issue of the quantum movement.

<Warp> is the kernel concept of <Quantum Theory for Language>.

<Warp> is supposed to be the original energy of “drift” which was proposed by SAPIR Edward.

So this paper is dedicated to SAPIR.

October 24, 2004

October 24, 2004

Sekinan Research Field of Language

 [Postscript July 7, 2008]
<On basis of Quantum Theory for Language> On Time Property Inherent in Characters / Hakuba Marc 28, 2003
<On Prague Theory Group> Prague Theory
<On Post-Prague Theory 2> Prague Theory 3 / Tokyo January 28, 2005
<On Graphical representation of Model Simplified Level> Model Simplified Level / Tokyo February 12, 2005    Model Simplified Level 2 / Tokyo February 14, 2005
<On post-Warp Theory group> Map 4 Quantum Linguistics / Quantum Warp Theory

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