Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Lotus Flowers at Ueno 2012

 Lotus Flowers at Ueno



Lotus flowers are always beautifully bloom at the pond of the Tokyo National Museum, Imperial-gift Ueno Park , Tokyo. When I was a student of the university, I frequently went to see the garnered items of the some museums located in the park. The photo was taken at 25 May 2011.

I also like the National Museum of Western Art in the Ueno park, that was designed by Le Corbusier. This lotus photo's colour is a little similar with the Monet's paintings themed on lotus flowers.

18 July 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Log 5 Quantum Linguistics Summary Review 2006-2008

 Log 5 Quantum Linguistics

Summary Review 



Brief Review on this Site till January 2006
By inverted Style on Date

Quantum Linguistics
1.1 Quantum Linguistics Solidity and Flexibility

Advocacy of Quantum Linguistics
Theoretical Stand Point at Present
January 14, 2006
Quantum Warp Theory
1.2.1 Folding

Physical cause of quantum's dualism
January 8, 2006
1.2.2 Dualism
Phenomenon of quantum's property, frame and sentence
January 2, 2005
1.2.3 Warp
Cause of quantum's generation
December 31, 2005

Robot Language
2.1 Set Theory
Consideration for theory's mathematical prospect
August 14 - August 23, 2005
2.2 Robot Language
Preparation of theory's industrial realization
October 28 – November 5, 2005
2.3 Group Theory
Further consideration for mathematical prospect
November 23 – December 11, 2005
2.4 Duplicability Theory
Careful survey for frame and sentence
Preparation for Quantum Linguistics
December 11 – December 26, 2005

Frame-Quantum Theory
 Frame-Quantum-Time Theory
3.1 Descriptiveness
Expression of frame's fixation
March 10, 2005

Quantum Theory for Language
4.1 Vector
Quantum is generated from frame.
Meaning consists of proto-meaning and vector.
Sentence is analysed to a set of proto-meaning and vector.
Vector is memorized in frame together with proto-meaning and proto- grammar.
Vector is essential basis of meaning.
March 21, 2005
4.2 Lineation
Quantum has lineation. Therefore quantum has not any branch.
March 11, 2005
4.3 Ideogram
Ideogram is a source of language.
Ideogram generates of language.
March 4, 2005
4.4 Recognition
Language consists of static frame and dynamic quantum.
March 4, 2005
4.5 Frame
The static state on language is substantial and unchangeable on paper, can, bottle and so forth.
This state is called frame of language.
The dynamic state on language is energetic and movable in human mind, electric machine and
so forth. This state is called quantum of language.
Language consists of frame and quantum.
February 27, 2005
4.6 Substantiality
Substantiality is a frame of language.
February 27, 2005
4.7 Fixation
Fixation is a root of language.
Changeability occurs from the discrimination between the language world and the real world.
February 20, 2005
4.8 Changeability
Quantum has a direction and a longitude.
The direction and longitude generates a meaning.
January 8, 2005
4.9 Uniformity
For the aim of unconditional reproduction of language, firm and uniform state of language is
demanded. November 26, 2004
4.10 Warp Theory
The cause of warp is supposed to be in the suspension of utterance of human being.
This suspension occurred by the proceeding of thinking in human being.
The suspension occurs inevitably in thinking, which is an entirely new stepping into our world
of idea.
October 24, 2004
4.11 Reversion Theory
From reversion principle, one rule is derived. It is strength rule.
The real world is the standstill point of the reversion of language.
The reversion of language is the main power of integration of sentence.
September 27, 2004
4.12 Distance Theory
Distance theory is an extension of strength rule in the quantum theory for language.
What quanta of language propel to the end of the sentence is for the purpose of the guarantee
to language, in which quanta of language finally unite the real world in the end of propelling.
March 5, 2004
4.13 Quantum Theory for Language
The Chinese character is the basis of this theory.
The quantum of language is the smallest unit of language.
The quantum of language has a force.
This concept originated in the concept drift of SAPIR Edward.
August 23, 2003

On Time Property Inherent in Characters
First, inscriptions which are original shapes of characters, in some cases, have a proceeding
time in characters themselves.
Second, on inscriptions, several aspects of various phenomena which occur on the proceeding
time in characters are sometimes shown by the images on implications.
Third, on inscriptions, several aspects which are shown by the remarkable figures transmit
the messages.
March 28, 2003

January 14, 2006
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Postscript July 7, 2008]
On extension of Quantum Linguistics and Quantum Warp Theory,
refer to the next.
Work Chronicle / Recent Work / Current Work

Log 4 On SAPIR and KARCEVSKIJ 2004-2008





Warp Theory    October 24, 2004

Warp theory is a theoretical conclusion of Quantum theory for language.

Warp is to twist wood out of shape.

In the theory, wood is the real world and twist is to generate language in the language world.

Warp is a force to return toward a normal situation.

The warp is related to the concept of SAPIR’s drift. But in the theory, the relationship between warp and drift is not clearly mentioned.

The bedrock of drift is clarified by the essay of <Changeability> January 2005.


Time Theory    December 25, 2004

<Time Theory> is a side view of <Warp Theory> from the standpoint of time.

In the theory, time is two directions. One is toward the generation of language, warp. The other is toward the real world, return.

Time flows toward the two direction. This concept is influenced by the Japanese Buddhism, especially Buddhism space in Shotokutaishi’s Shomangyo-gisho and Bodhisattva’s activity in the book of Shinran’s Kyogyoshinsho. 

The warp and the time in <Quantum Theory for Language> are explained minutely in the group of essays.


3 Direction    November 26, 2004

Essay, <Direction> explains the stability of quantum. This stability is the basis of connection rule in <Quantum Theory for Language>.

This essay presents a theoretical premise of unchangeability and changeability of the concept of KARCEVSKIJ.

But more details are developed in the essays of <Changeability> and <Individuality>.


Uniformity   December 10, 2004

Essay, <Uniformity> declares the object of <Quantum Theory for Language>.

The theory adopts uniformity of language for obtaining the reappearance of same effect against same cause.

From this point of view, written language has the more stable situation than spoken language on language. 

The theory’s main target is at first classical written Chinese for stable and concise situation of language.

The one of the research on language will proceed to the uniformity of language for the reappearance of the same data, namely same expression under the same ion.

Now the new criterion of language is being requested. Uniformity will certainly attain more important role in the near future.      


Changeability    January 8, 2005

Essay, <Changeability> gave a solution to the conundrum concept drift presented by SAPIR.

In the essay, I made a distinction about SAPIR’s drift to two phases. One is small drift. The other is big drift.

Small drift is a moving of quanta from the former to the next.

Big drift is a moving of a coordinate system in the language world.

Quanta’s moving toward the center of a coordinate system indicate a solution of the another conundrum changeability and unchangeability of language presented by KARCEVSKIJ. Details are developed in the essay, <Individuality>.


Individuality    January 10, 2005

Essay, <Individuality> gave a guarantee to the individuality of all the sentences which were appeared in the past or will be appeared in the future.

The individuality is expressed by the locus of quanta which are continually moving to the center of a coordinate system on language world.

The interrelation of three essentials, namely, quanta’s movement, a coordinate system of the language world and the real world letting a system floated is probably important for the KARCEVSKIJ’s upper mentioned theme. Especially, the adoption of a coordinate system is the pivot of the development on <Quantum Theory for Language> hereafter.     


January 16, 2005

Sekinan Research Field of Language

 [Postscript October 27, 2007]
Quantum Theory for Language Map

[Postscript December 14, 2008]

Quantum Theory for Language / Simplified Review / Tokyo November 9, 2004
<Papers group>

Mirror Theory group
Quantum Warp Theory group

Log 3 Love and Thanks to the Pioneers 2004-2005





<Quantum Theory for Language>†1 now entered the second stage at <Prague Theory>†2.

The last aspect of the theory of this period is represented by <Reversion Theory> which propose the cause of propelling the quantum.

<Reversion principle of quantum> gives human being the guarantees of language.

<Prague Theory> is dedicated to KARCEVSKIJ , PRAGUE and CHINO.

October 2, 2004


<Prague Theory Summary and Prospect> is summed up <Quantum Theory for Language> until then.

Theories, principles, rules and terms are enumerated in the paper.

The end of the paper, I clearly expressed that <Quantum Theory for Language> is the succession of the Linguistic Circle of Prague.

October 9, 2004


<Prague theory 2>†3 clearly proposes <language machine>, which is one aim of <Quantum Theory for Language Summary> and <Quantum Theory for Language Synopsis> 2003.

October 17, 2004


<Sending and Receiving Information of Quantum> describes <Model Simplified Level>†4.

In this paper, the concept of warp is proposed for the first time.

October 22, 2004


<Warp Theory>†5 is delivered from the point of the proceeding of quantum.

The proceeding is the main issue of the quantum movement.

<Warp> is the kernel concept of <Quantum Theory for Language>.

<Warp> is supposed to be the original energy of “drift” which was proposed by SAPIR Edward.

So this paper is dedicated to SAPIR.

October 24, 2004

October 24, 2004

Sekinan Research Field of Language

 [Postscript July 7, 2008]
<On basis of Quantum Theory for Language> On Time Property Inherent in Characters / Hakuba Marc 28, 2003
<On Prague Theory Group> Prague Theory
<On Post-Prague Theory 2> Prague Theory 3 / Tokyo January 28, 2005
<On Graphical representation of Model Simplified Level> Model Simplified Level / Tokyo February 12, 2005    Model Simplified Level 2 / Tokyo February 14, 2005
<On post-Warp Theory group> Map 4 Quantum Linguistics / Quantum Warp Theory

Log 2 Brief History toward Making Model 2004-2007

 Log 2 Brief History toward Making Model 





<Quantum Theory for Language> is made on a virtual space named <language world>.

In this world, quantum moves linearly on a floor.

Now the structure of the space containing the quanta is explained for making the model of the theory.

July 18, 2004


Model of <Quantum Theory for Language> is proposed by the simplified level.

This model is abbreviated to MSL.

In the MSL, two factors have important role for the generation of language.

One is <distance element>, abbreviated to DE.

The other is <time element>, abbreviated to TE.

The digitization of automatic generative language is planned in a further goal of the theory.

September 19, 2004


<Quantum Theory for Language> has a certain definite purpose to natural language.

First is an investigation toward the generation of meaning.

The second is a total grasp of language including the religious words of our daily life.

The third is making a perfective automatic generative language. For this goal, word, sentence, end of sentence and so on are now strictly studied from the root of language phenomena.

The range of language is prospected to <imaginary language>, using the definition of imaginary number in mathematics.

<Imaginary language> is afar lighting on language, especially co-working with anthropology.

September 23, 2004

September 23, 2004

Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Referential note October 27, 2007]

Quantum Theory for Language Map

Log 1 Brief History of Quantum Theory for Language 2004-2007

 Log 1 Brief History of

Quantum Theory for Language 





<Quantum Theory for Language> is made on a virtual space named <language world>.

In this world, quantum moves linearly on a floor.

Now the structure of the space containing the quanta is explained for making the model of the theory.

July 18, 2004


Model of <Quantum Theory for Language> is proposed by the simplified level.

This model is abbreviated to MSL.

In the MSL, two factors have important role for the generation of language.

One is <distance element>, abbreviated to DE.

The other is <time element>, abbreviated to TE.

The digitization of automatic generative language is planned in a further goal of the theory.

September 19, 2004


<Quantum Theory for Language> has a certain definite purpose to natural language.

First is an investigation toward the generation of meaning.

The second is a total grasp of language including the religious words of our daily life.

The third is making a perfective automatic generative language. For this goal, word, sentence, end of sentence and so on are now strictly studied from the root of language phenomena.

The range of language is prospected to <imaginary language>, using the definition of imaginary number in mathematics.

<Imaginary language> is afar lighting on language, especially co-working with anthropology.

September 23, 2004

September 23, 2004

Sekinan Research Field of Language

[Referential note October 27, 2007]

Quantum Theory for Language Map

Local, Global and Integrated Model on Language 2012



Language's models has three approaches.
The first is local and the second is global model. The third is integrated model.
The local model is now called Karcevskij model. The global is Strauss model. The third is Kawamata model.

Karcevskij model's example is Note for KARCEVSKIJ Sergej's "Du dualisme asymetriquu du signe linguistique"
Strauss model's example is Duality of Language.
Kawamata model's example is Birational Language.

Each model has own intuitive concept.
Karcevskij model's intuitive concept is On Time Property Inherent in Characters.
Strauss model's intuitive concept is Guarantee of Language.
Kawamata model's intuitive concept is Stability of Language

27 May 2012
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Linguistic Circle of Prague 2012

 Linguistic Circle of Prague 


The Linguistic Circle of Prague was taught from CHINO Eiichi in his class of Structural Linguistics in the late 1970s. We first met at the university in 1969. He was young, probably the age 30s. I was 21 years old.

Now referring his chronological record, CHINO was born in 1932, graduated Tokyo University of Foreign Studies in 1955, entered Carrel University at Czechoslovakia in 1958 and returned to Japan in 1964. So we met after 5 years from his returning.

Sometimes we conversed at the coffee shop near the station we used. California, it was the name of the shop, up the rattled stairs, under the dim light. It was the youth time of mine and probably with him.

The greatest thing he gave me was teaching me the existence of KARCEVSKIJ Sergei in the Linguistic Circle of Prague. My latter half life was almost determined by KARCEVSLIJ's one paper, " Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" .

One day on the train after school, he calmly but definitely said to me that he never was linguist because he never discovered any new language or law and he only was the introducer to general linguistics. 

Now I really think that I am also never linguist nor introducer. I only love language, so have written on language or its around  till now. CHINO taught me the the study or rather more deep attitude  to the life itself.
Regretfully he died in 2002, age 70.

He wrote several books on linguistics. The masterpiece that I confirmed is Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994, that is the general invitation to linguistics for further studying of wide and deep view.

The title was determined by the famous book of Jan Amos Komensky 1592-1670Janua Linguarum reserata 1632Here I feel CHINO's deep love to the history and culture to Czechoslovakia where he studied for Czech in 7 years.

[Note added]
I frequently heard on Linguistic Circle of Prague (LCP) from CHINO. But now standing in the twilight of my learning, I have not understood anything about it essentially, that had probably much more heritage for contemporary language study than my thinking. I already old and  can never start to cultivate the new frontier on LCP  or its successive study. Only saying is what I really recognise that LCP and Russian philology is the heimat of my language study. It is and will be  the heimat of my soul evermore. 19 July 2012

13 July 2012
19 July 2012 Added

Sekinan Research Field of Language

Letter of Thanks To MUTO 2012

 Letter of Thanks






   父植えしブドウの日々も帰り来て   里行

 七月四日 暑い一日でした、いつもいつも有難うございます 謹具


Late Spring Trip 2007

 Late Spring Trip 











1 昭和58年(1983年)522
3 私は昭和

March 8, 2007
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Language Universal Models 2012

 Language Universal Models  


1. Repeated Integral Model
1.1 Hyperbolic volume Volume of Language
1.2 Hyperbolic space Hyperbolic Space Language

2. Minimal Model
2.1 Free group Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej, "Dusualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" 
2.2 Fundamental group Description of Language
2.3 de Rham complex Structure of Word
2.4 de Rham complex on spherical surface Condition of Meaning

3. Knot Theory Model
3.1 Hida deformation space Loop Time f Character

4. Jones-Witten Theory Model
4.1 Witten invariant Symmetry of Language

5. Moduli Model
5.1 Projective algebraic manifold Completion of Language
5.2 Projective algebraic manifold Meaning Minimum of Language

6. Arithmetic Geometry Model
6.1 Riemann-Roch Formula Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum

7. Projective Space Model
7.1 Grothendieck theorem Vector Bundle Model

8. Diophantine Approximation Model-Diophantine Language
8.1 Faltings theorem Finiteness of Words
8.2 Noguchi, Winkelmann theorem Dimension of Words

January 25, 2012
February 1, 2012 Added
Sekinan Research Field of Language

Language Model 2012

 Language Model 



The relation between natural language and language model is still uncertain for me. Model described by mathematics is frequently simplified to geometry and its visualization is very clear.  Mathematical or geometrical elements are compared with the various natural language’s elements. The both element’s comparison is almost intuitive for me. So strictly saying, the both has not any logical relation. Nature is nature, model is model. The two are never encountered exactly. I think that model is only model, never become nature. I only make model, that reflects the nature. It may have the value a little for the realistic world. Or it may have no value anymore. They are no longer my concern.


KURATA Reijiro’s Phrase 2012


KURATA Reijiro’s Phrase


Impressive phrase in KURATA Reijiro's Mathematics for Everyone, 1970.

            "History of mathematics exists for everyone”

Korobokkuru Hutte in Kirigamine Highlands / The Son Takane Now Succeeds the Founder TEZUKA Muneyasu /2012

 Korobokkuru Hutte in Kirigamine Highlands

The Son Takane Now Succeeds
the Founder TEZUKA Muneyasu



Almost every summer we go to Tateshina and stay there some days. Kirigamine Highlands are near Tateshina some 15 minutes by car. From age 20, 45 years already passed by. The scenery around the highlands has greatly changed. Only the korobokkuru Hutte is unchanging.

The master, TEZUKA Muneyasu, becomes 81 years old but very sadly this year from spring he has been in hospital. Now his son is managing the hutte, who is always gentle and smiling to the visitors. From him I bought the key-holder carved hutte's logo mark on. The highlands are now all beautiful in the early-visiting autumn. Pray the master be coming back.


The master ever wrote the highlands song's lyrics. The song was composed by SATO Muneyuki, the famous contemporary song-writer in Japan. The title is "Kisuge ni yosu", in English "For yellow day-lilies", that were ever spread all over the highlands in short summer.

Now the flowers have become rather a few for the deer's eating the flowers. Returning home we heard the song with being filled by thousand emotions. The hutte was established in 1956 by his only power in the short summer and long severe hard wind and snow seasons.


The master's son, Takane, has now become the new master.

Lotus Flowers at Ueno 2012

  Lotus Flowers at Ueno TANAKA Akio                                               Lotus flowers are always beautifully bloom at the pond of ...