Thursday, 29 September 2022
SRFL News: Inspiration The Time of Quantum
SRFL News: Why I started Quantum-Nerve Theory? Note and Note 2 for The Time of Language
Sekinan Table: KAJIMURA Hideki His Korean Classroom With Note
Saturday, 24 September 2022
Sekinan Table: Genealogical Tree of Sekinan's Paper 7th Edition
Sekinan Table: Letter to Y. Of Broad Language 4th Edition 5 February 2018. Translated by Google translate 2020
Saturday, 17 September 2022
Sekinan Table: Deep Fissure between Word and Sentence
Monday, 12 September 2022
Sekinan Table: Energy Distance Theory Conjecture 2 Geometry of Word
Sekinan Table: Word as Infinite loop Space
Saturday, 3 September 2022
Intuition and Mathematics through Chinese classic Yi-jing. 2012-2019
Sep 21, 2021
Intuition and Mathematics
What NISHI Junzo remained for us 2
Intuition and mathematics are deeply concerned with each other. In my stand, intuitive concept is first flowing up and the next mathematical description is arranged. According to this situation, intuition is very important and if there is no such flowing up thinking, the development is almost not so easy proceeding.
The time concept in language is the key concept of my language model that is at first found from the ancient Chinese characters’ construction and after writing a short intuitive paper, the more precise descriptions are taken up using mathematics especially of geometry.
But at the deepest basis of language, time is seemed to be infinitive but not spread with a strait line to the future, more likely going round as circle or circular situation.
This conjecture was firmed by Yi-jing that is one of the Five Great Classics of China. I received the lecture on Yi-jing from philosopher NISHI Junzo some five years at the university.
The world of Yi-jing consists from perfect infinitive circularity and this world is perfectly recognised by human for its closed situation of infinity.
It is very hard to recognise infinity as perfect whole image and Yi-jing is resolved this baffling problem through the shut-in world, that is “compact” concept of mathematics.
30 August 2012
8 September 2019 Text revised
SRFL Paper
Thursday, 1 September 2022
Language Universal Models 2013
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Language Universal Models
1. Repeated Integral Model 1.1 Hyperbolic volume / Volume of Language 1.2 Hyperbolic space / Hyperbolic Space Language 2. Minimal Model 2.1 Free group / Notes for KARVESKIJ Sergej, "Dusualisme asymétrique du signe linguistique" 2.2 Fundamental group / Description of Language 2.3 de Rham complex / Structure of Word 2.4 de Rham complex on spherical surface / Condition of Meaning 3. Knot Theory Model 3.1 Hida deformation space / Loop Time f Character 4. Jones-Witten Theory Model 4.1 Witten invariant / Symmetry of Language 5. Moduli Model 5.1 Projective algebraic manifold / Completion of Language 5.2 Projective algebraic manifold / Meaning Minimum of Language 6. Arithmetic Geometry Model 6.1 Riemann-Roch Formula / Language, Word, Distance, Meaning and Meaning Minimum 7. Projective Space Model 7.1 Grothendieck theorem / Vector Bundle Model 8. Diophantine Approximation Model-Diophantine Language 8.1 Faltings theorom / Finiteness of Words 8.2 Noguchi, Winkelmann theorem / Dimension of Word Appendix Bibliography |
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