Tuesday 30 August 2022

Meaning minimum / On Roman Jakobson, Sergej Karcevskij and CHINO Eiichi


Read Andre Martinet


Read Andre Martinet

Reread Andre Martinet’s ELEMENTS DE LINGUISTIQUE GENERALE, 1970. When I was a student in 1970s, the book was already determined the established reputation. Now at rereading, I confirmed that one of his most concerned thing was the amalgamation of moneme, which is still radically never solved . But by his approach or any other similar approached researchers, Martinet-like style of studying is very difficult to progress. I have taken the another way to think on the themes influenced from KARCEVSKIJ Sergej (the early example ;Holomorphic meaning Theory 2008 ) by using the mathematical methods, especially algebraic geometry.
Recent result on the relation between characters and time in language is shown below.
Time of WANG Guowei, 2011, sekinanmetria 
16 July 2012
On WANG Guowei, refer to the next.
21 January 2013 added

Another pass way to mathematics


Saturday, 27 July 2013

Another pass way to mathematics

In some 40 years I had concerned with mathematics to which I only had read several books as if it is  the books of arts, for example, the verses of Chinese classics that are always obscure to understand by my Chinese ability. On the Tang Dynasty’s famous poet, DU fu’s work I had not clearly understood, probably till now. But the works are all pleasant in its own way. As like them mathematics I had read some books and papers. Definitely  I could not make DU Fu-like work. But I liked DU Fu so much. And I also cannot understand mathematics anymore, but also like it. If there be not valuation that is usual done at school, more people maybe like it as same as they read poems putted before them. Mathematicians are put to study stern logics for its long history while the poets make poems that need severe rules of rhythm and meaning. That is all, for my standpoint on mathematics or Chinese classics or my life.

Under the Dim Light

Under the Dim Light TANAKA Akio I frequently talked with CHINO Eiichi at the coffee shop near...